Here are some more progress shots of the last week of work in the creation of the alien shoot.
I’ve been trying different light setups, adding new props, tweaking material properties and trying to find the right pose and expression to convey the idea of someone thinking on a question while being interviewed.

Moved the lights a bit more forward so they dont burn the background. Also moved the arms position to see if it feels more intime.

Side lighting with a warm rim color. Its very classical but should work for the situation. I also need to move the background further back so it doesn't get burned with the lights.

Final expression. I love the lighting, it almost feels like an interrogation but makes the character feel really flat overall, almost like taking a photo with flash.
Looking good so far!
Did you take some reference photos of that pose or use a mirror? Might help.
Maybe relax his shoulders a bit, he looks like under tension. light_testc has the best pose considering your goal, I think.
I did use a mirror and also posed myself to get the references.
I want him to be under tension. that was one of the goals, he isn’t used to be interviewed and so he is nervous and unconfortable.
What I’m feeling is that his expressions isn’t quite there yet, not perfectly readable enough… he is supposed to be thinking about the question he is being asked.