Category: Uncategorized
Sunday Evening
Relaxed 30 min sketch on a nice Sunday… and some life drawing sketching
Learning Vray – First Render
I wanted to make a nice render for the video tutorial character I made, and seeing that I also wanted to learn Vray i decided to get the together! Amazing renderer, intuitive and really fast. Still learning how to use the actual Vray Shaders, but I’m quite happy for this…
LE1700 – Artist Perspective
A little youtube video to show the LE1700 in action with Zbrush and Paint Tool Sai. [vodpod id=Video.3550248&w=425&h=350&fv=%26rel%3D0%26border%3D0%26]
LE1700 – Life Drawing part 2!

And now changed to PaintTool Sai. The stylus responsiveness compared to Sketchbook is the same and miles better than Photoshop. Also Paint Tool has some good features from PSD like layer blending modes and lots of brushes that you can refine. Overall, amazing experience. I’m now trying to get Zbrush…